<aside> ⏸️ Code is better with some context!

Goals is recommended reading before you look at this Quick Start, so that you understand the motivation behind Riduce's development.

We're also writing here for an audience who has used the reducer pattern before (e.g. either with useReducer or with Redux).

Guides + examples is a more suitable read if you haven't used the reducer pattern before.


This quick start is a minimal guide to:

Installing the riduce library

Both useRiducer and riduce are bundled with the npm riduce library.

If you wish to use useRiducer , you should make sure that React ≥ 16.8.0 is also installed.

Importing useRiducer and/or riduce

import { useRiducer } from 'riduce' 
// import riduce from 'riduce'

Passing in your initial state value

Updating state by dispatching actions