<aside> 🤔 What if we could get rid of reducer boilerplate?

Riduce provides zero hassle state management that's typed, flexible and scalable.


Why? Because reducer boilerplate sucks.

Whether you're using Redux or useReducer, the reducer pattern, popular in React, is:

😍 Powerful and flexible - predictable updates with easy-to-test pure functions

😭 Horrible to implement - difficult to learn, tedious to operate and painful to scale.

How does it suck? Difficult, tedious, painful.

The reducer and actions pattern is:

difficult to learn so juniors miss out on the benefits of useReducer and get lost in the Redux weeds

tedious to operate since trivial updates use a repetitive setup (case statement, action types, action creators)

painful to scale because as your state changes and grows, your reducer boilerplate grows linearly with it

What if type-safe state management was quicker, easier and simpler?

Riduce is a library written to be:

Strongly-typed, so your state stays predictable

Trivial to scale as your state grows more complex

Zero hassle, with just two lines of code...

... and one of the two lines to setup is an import.

<aside> ⚡ Yes, it's really just two lines to get started!

Quick Start shows how you can add useRiducer to a React function component, or add riduce to your Redux state management, both with just two lines.


That's it! Now you've got a type-safe way to dispatch arbitrary actions, with zero hassle.

Next steps: