
When you access the create property from any arbitrary path from the actions  object, you access the Riduce ‣.

Consider the actions object returned below.

import { createStore } from 'redux'
import riduce from 'riduce'

const initialState = {
  counter: 0,
  arbitrary: {
    nested: {
      path: ['hi!']

const reducersDict = {
  convertToFoobar: () => 'foobar'

const [reducer, actions] = reduxLeaves(initialState, reducersDict)


Action creators

You can access action creators (functions) from the create API at any leaf by using a creatorKey as a property, both for the default ones and any custom ones you've defined (riducerDict).

// Example defaults: update, set, push
console.log(typeof actions.counter.create.update) // 'function'
console.log(typeof actions.arbitrary.nested.create.set) // 'function'
console.log(typeof actions.arbitrary.nested.path.create.push) // 'function'

// Custom creatorKey of 'convertToFoobar'
console.log(typeof actions.create.convertToFoobar) // 'function'
console.log(typeof actions.arbitrary.nested.path.create.convertToFoobar) // 'function'


Executing these functions then create the actions that you should dispatch to your Redux store.

const store = createStore(reducer) // using reducer from reduxLeaves
console.log(store.getState().counter) // 0

const updateCounter = actions.counter.create.update

console.log(store.getState().counter) // 5

console.log(store.getState().counter) // 3

Optional actionType argument

Rather than directly accessing action creators from create, you can optionally provide an actionType string as an argument to create before accessing the action creator functions:

// Defaults, e.g. update creatorKey
console.log(typeof actions.counter.create.update) // 'function'
console.log(typeof actions.counter.create('UPDATE_COUNTER').update) // 'function'

// Custom creatorKey of 'convertToFoobar'
console.log(typeof actions.create.convertToFoobar) // 'function'
console.log(typeof actions.create('CONVERT_TO_FOOBAR').convertToFoobar) // 'function'

Providing an actionType string in this way does not change the way that the reducer will respond to actions; it merely overrides the created action's type property to be the string passed in (which might be desirable for a debugging perspective for Redux DevTools, for example):

const createDefaultIncrement = actions.counter.create.increment
const createNamedIncrement = actions.counter.create('NAMED_INCREMENT').increment

console.log(store.getState().counter) // 3

const defaultIncrement = createDefaultIncrement()
console.log(defaultIncrement.type) // 'counter/INCREMENT'
console.log(store.getState().counter) // 4

const namedIncrement = createNamedIncrement()
console.log(namedIncrement.type) // 'NAMED_INCREMENT'
console.log(store.getState().counter) // 5